Climate Resilient Schools

Nurturing a Climate Smart Generation

We are seeking your support for our climate education initiative for school children. Your contribution will help us provide essential resources like educational materials, workshops, tours, and interactive sessions to raise awareness and empower the next generation to address climate change. Your donation will directly impact hundreds of students, fostering responsibility and inspiring action towards a sustainable future.

Forests By Heartfulness

Ecosystem Restoration for People, Nature and Climate

Support “Forests By Heartfulness” – A collaborative initiative of Heartfulness Institute and Ripples of Change Foundation to nurture, protect, and conserve native, endemic, and endangered tree species of India. Our primary objective is to plant a minimum of 30 million native and endemic trees across India by 2025. Your contribution will directly impact the preservation of India’s rich biodiversity, safeguarding vital ecosystems and habitats for countless species. Together, let’s take a stand for our environment and ensure a greener, healthier future for generations to come. Donate today to make a lasting difference in conserving India’s precious Forests.

Voice That Cares

Towards a Mentally Resilient Nation

Voice That Cares is a beacon of hope for those navigating the complexities of mental health challenges. As a dedicated mental health helpline, we provide essential support and guidance to individuals facing anxiety, stress, and pandemic-induced issues. Our mission is clear: to build a mentally resilient nation where everyone has access to the support they need to thrive. With your generous donation, we can expand our reach and impact, ensuring that no one has to face their struggles alone. Together, let’s make a profound difference in the lives of countless individuals by supporting Voice That Cares and fostering a culture of compassion and understanding around mental health.

E Village Market

Fostering self-reliant communities through SHG women by leveraging technology

Support E Village Market in our mission to empower self-reliant communities through Self Help Groups led by women, utilizing technology for e-commerce. Our innovative approach not only creates economic opportunities for women but also fosters community resilience and sustainable development. By providing access to online marketplaces, we enable these groups to showcase and sell their products to a wider audience, breaking down barriers and opening new doors for economic growth. Your contribution will directly impact the lives of these women and their communities, helping to build a brighter and more equitable future for all. Join us in harnessing the power of technology for positive social change and economic empowerment.

Finishing School

Skilling Youth for Endless Possibilities and Resilience

Support our Finishing School Program, dedicated to skilling youth for endless possibilities and resilience. We focus on equipping young individuals with sector specific skills. essential soft skills, employability training, and mental resilience to enhance their earning potential and prepare them for the challenges of the modern workforce. By investing in this initiative, you’re not just supporting individual growth but also contributing to the overall economic empowerment of communities. Your donation will directly impact the lives of countless youth, unlocking doors to brighter futures and economic stability. Join us in shaping a generation of resilient, skilled, and empowered individuals ready to thrive in today’s world.

Sharat Hegde

Nagesh Karuturi

Founder Director

A management professional with 24 years of experience in international leadership positions in India, Africa, South Asia, Europe, and the United Kingdom, graduated from India’s Symbiosis Institute of Business Management with an MBA in marketing. He has led teams of up to 6500 personnel and has executed top-notch processes for sales, operations, human resources, quality assurance, and auditing. He has led and carried out programs for vulnerable communities in India and Africa, focusing on education, economic empowerment, life skills, the environment, sanitation, healthcare, and nutrition. In 2011, the Lions Club International Foundation awarded him the Melvin Jones Fellowship for his humanitarian work, and in 2014, the Lions Club International President’s Certificate of Appreciation was given for his outstanding accomplishments in carrying out the organization’s mission.​